My name is Bagus Trihatmaja. Pronounced as BAH-gus TRI-HAT-MA-JA, according to Facebook.

My goal is to improve the way we process the data.

In this era where data is ubiquitous, I want to understand how we can build a system that can handle and process high amount of data. I plan not only improve the machine learning methods itself but also I want to improve from application, operating system, and hardware levels.

Outside of studying, I enjoy myself reading science or historical fiction novels and sometimes non-fiction. Some of my life-time favourites are: Dune, 1984, Gandhi The Man, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I also like cycling and admire its technology. For me, bicycle is the most efficient machine and improving it to be even more efficient is an interesting topic to discuss.

I found myself enjoying teaching as well. I would try my best to study, so that I can teach my friends. Oftentimes, I do that voluntarily. I feel, if I can explain something in a simple way, that means I understand the subject well enough.

I am playing many roles:

  1. I am a graduate student at Northeastern University
  2. Fulbright scholar
  3. Cat

You can find me on other places as well: github stackoverflow linkedIn instagram

The posts on this blog will be in Indonesian or English.